Your email address will not be published. Get Charisma's best content delivered right to your inbox! Columns and the ancient Temple of Bel are seen in the historical city of Palmyra, Syria, June 11, 2009. For an extensive examination of this view, I would commend to you The Second Coming of the Antichrist by Peter Goodgame and Babylon Rising by Rob Skiba. It will be an age where only those who bow to the antichrist will be in positions of power. Also called the Arch of Baal, the Romans built it some time between 200-300 A.D. Several religions used the idols name because Baal means lord. As people realize science can be corrupt, and does not provide answers to ultimate questions, they seek another god. The monotheistic Israelites warred against the Philistines not least because Canaanite religion degraded humans on the altar of ritual sexual depravity, child sacrifice, and polytheistic nature worship. If you believe in the teachings of the Word of God, you know that the coming age of the antichrist will be a time of great apostasy, of hatred against the people of God, when immorality and degradation of all that is pure will be praised, when all innocence will be defiled. RUSSIA REBUILDING THE TRIUMPHAL ARCH OF PALMYRA IN SYRIA, KNOWN AS THE GATEWAY TO THE TEMPLE OF BAAL, TO PREPARE FOR THE ARRIVAL OF ANTICHRIST - Gospel News Network RUSSIA REBUILDING THE TRIUMPHAL ARCH OF PALMYRA IN SYRIA, KNOWN AS THE GATEWAY TO THE TEMPLE OF BAAL, TO PREPARE FOR THE ARRIVAL OF ANTICHRIST April 16, 2021 Randolph Jason The following comesfrom Wikipedia. Meanwhile another powerful replica of a spiritual artifact is making its own world tour the Ark of the Covenant! Award-winning Christian Newspaper Your source for Christian News & Events. (LogOut/ We recognize her by one of her many names Gaia, which means Mother Earth. |. We call it abortion, but the motives are still the same. Companies in UK, Dubai, and China recreate the reproduction using 3D printers. The irony is that while public and government funded displays to Baal and Ashtoreth/Gaia are now de jure, displays of the Ten Commandments are cut down. Blessing Or Curse? Americans have lost Christian faith, at least this is my observation, and the data seem to verify it. If you go to Times Square in New York or Trafalgar Square in London late next month, you will not be able to miss these giant arches. As you will see below, the arch has been brought all across the earth and erected right before globalist events and always in significant locations to the global power structure such as New York City, London, and Dubai which are all financial powerhouses of the world (NYC being the location of the UN headquarters). Abortion, Anti Christ, Deep state, End Times, Homosexuality, Illuminati, Politics, Satan, Syria, USA. The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. Many people regard America as modern day Babylon, and now we are going to have a monumentthat directly links us to ancient Babylonright in the heart of our most important city. One example: Babylonians referred to Baal as Marduk. In the Philistines Samson and David, who were Jews, encountered people similar to those worshipers at Ras Shamra. Pro-Assad forces, who were also accused of looting Palmyras artefacts, eventually recaptured the ancient city in March 2016. The temple was dedicated in 32 CE but was constructed on the site of a pre-existing temple that goes back to the third millennium BCE. (Baal, being the chief religious rival of YHVH our heavenly Father in the ancient mystery religions.). Family has failed. And the timing for putting this arch on display in Washington D.C. is also very curious, and I will discuss that at the conclusion of this article. Temple of Baal arch arrives in New York as America's turn away from God continues The Harbinger author Jonathan Cahn unveiled the arrival of the Temple of Baal Arch replica arriving in New. Copyright 2022 | No reproduction without the expressed written permission of Have Ye Not Read?, an independent Bible study ministry unaffiliated with any church or denomination. A reconstructed Arch of Palmyra, the original of which was the entrance to a temple for Baal in Syria, will reappear in Washington, D.C., as an "improbable" "symbol of peace and resilience," according to Breaking Israel News. The park is usually occupied by tourists visiting city hall and. Browse our blog articles but be aware that the opinions expressed by the bloggers and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of OAT. Todays smaller arches are replicas of the original arch in Syria destroyed in 2015. In ancient times, Bel and Baal were two names for the same ancient pagan deity. And just like ancient Baal worshippers, we are a society that is engaged in child sacrifice. And why does it mysteriously remain only for a few days in each city before being dismantled, as If the historical society does not want too many people to know about it? Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, we have slaughtered more than 58 million of our own children. The Arch of Baal is one example of how he works through people so they go astray. The arch is not roped off, allowing visitors to walk under it and touch it. Switzerland gives plants rights. I would venture to say that the ancient Baal worshippers never got quite that much blood on their own hands. In the ancient world, the names Baal and Bel were often interchangeable, and they both trace back to the ancient Babylonian god Marduk. Meme that surfaced online claiming that where is the arch of baal now 2021 was also a storm God a syndicated radio program hosted by veteran Clyde. Note the statues of naked women with fig leaves positioned over their most private part. As I detailedin my book about Bible prophecy, the theme of the Feast of Tabernacles is God coming to dwell among men. Since the arch was actually a gateway to the ancient Baal temple, when news surfaced of its arrival in Washington some Christians were concerned it might give the demonic a unique ability to influence US society. At the end of September, 2018, the Baal arch was set up in the National Mall in Washington, DC in sight of the US capital. The life-size model of the original 2,000-year-old structure, known as the Arch of the Temple of Bel, will stand approximately 48 feet high and 23 feet wide. The original arch was destroyed by the Islamic State (ISIS) in October 2015, but one year later, the Institute for Digital Archaeology (IDA) used 3-D printing technology to reproduce a 20-foot full-scale replica. By Alessandra Potenza @ale_potenza Sep 19, 2016, 4:38pm EDT. According to research publishedby Bruce W. Warren and John A. Tvedtnes, Marduk was a huntergod that was believed to have been the founder of ancient Babylon according to ancient Babylonian tradition. Just like ancient Baal worshippers, we are a society that is addicted to watching other people have sex. After Enmerkars death he became honored in Sumerian myth as the semi-divine hero Ninurta, and eventually this cult evolved into the great cult of Marduk, which became the state religion of Babylon after the conquests and religious innovations of Hammurabi. Biblical kings and leaders worshipped the Baal deity a heart idol. First put on display in Trafalgar Square in London last April, it will stay at City Hall park for one week, before moving to its next destination, Dubai. Powerful men and women of influence who indulge in witchcraft and demonic practices to undermine Christian values in this world and to aggressively usher in the age of the antichrist. It is reported that the Institute for Digital Archaeology plans on erecting . However Marduks mother, the Sumerian goddess called Ninhursag, Damkina, Ninmah and other names in Sumerian, was often known as Belit-ili Lady of the Gods in Akkadian. April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire u0013 the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan/Devil). It is also important to note that this arch is going up during the Feast of Tabernacles. In August 2015, this temple was destroyed by ISIS, and most of the world recoiled in terror at the loss of a cultural heritage site. Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth, Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death. WND reported last year when the arch was in New York City and London, and later when it was placed outside a global summit in Dubai. The following description of what went on during Baal worshipcomes from Scott Brown We know that there were usually lots of people gathered, often on a high hill (like a theatre or stadium) to observe public sex, just like we see in movies and television and on the Internet (Num. All Rights Reserved. The . We really have to accept that its a thing of the past, 1300 Jews on Temple Mount Signal End of Exile and Beginning of Joyous Redemption on Ninth of Av, Teen Vogue Magazine Teaching Underage Children How to Do Anal Sex the Right Way, Temple Mount Jews Claim Trump Victory Beginning of the Messianic Process, The Antichrist and the Ever-Deceptive Environmental Movement, Arch of Baal Replica Still Being Displayed Worldwide by World Leaders, In 100 Days A New Jewish Elite Rises Under Trump, Beautiful Prayer of National Repentance by Rep Randy Weber at US Capitol Prayer Meeting, The 10 Most Religious Countries in the World, Bill OReillys Fox News Career Comes To a Swift End Amid Growing Sexual Harassment Claims. Just look at the rapid changes in our societies and cultures around the world, where what once was right is now condemned as evil, and what was always considered evil or unhealthy is now praised as noble. Indeed, the wall of Babylon will fall. The institute plans to constructapproximately 1,000 such versions of the archin cities throughout the world. Speculators estimate that arches will appear in thousands of cities. The Centre for Global Heritage and Development claims that it is merely showing a bit of history to the public. Many burned incense, worshipped and served it religiously. Learn how your comment data is processed. The temple was bill twice, with the second one built by the Romans, and dedicated in 32 A.D. The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth, adopted in 2010 at the World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earthin Bolivia, considers Mother Earth to be a Living Being with rights to life, to exist and do whatever planets do free from human interference. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The arch was built by Roman Emperor Septimius Severus in front of a preexisting temple that was used to worship the pagan god, Bel, mentioned often in the Bible as Ba'al. As it is written: Dan 2:22 He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him. In addition to Marduk, other names from the ancient world that are linked with Nimrod include Ninurta, Gilgamesh, Osiris, Dionysus, Apollo, Narmer and Enmerkar. For those that are familiar with the Bible, you already know that Baal worship is mentioned extensively throughout the second half of the Old Testament. Current-day Christians battle this spirit day in and day out. NEXT month, the Temple of Baal will come to Times Square. It will be up for five days at the end of this month, and then it will be taken down. Well, many scholars have traced the worship of Marduk all the way backto the historical figure of Nimrod, Traditionally the Tower of Babel event has been associated with Nimrod, and Jewish commentaries as well as the Jewish historian Josephus both seem very emphatic on this point. Also a neighborhood in Washington D.C. from Sept. 26 to Sept. 30 true God the end the!, dedicated to the arch of Palmyra, was reconstructed at the Capitol raid - her name was Babbit. Russia Captures Three Ukrainian Ships; Signpost of Daniel 7:5? When it is published, you will be able to find iton our YouTube channel. Infants would then be burned alive as a sacrificial offering to the deity. While its macabre rituals have been sanitized with flowery and euphemistic terms of art, its core tenets and practicesremain eerily similar. Does it not make sense then, that in the prelude to this coming age, influential people would be actively pushing for these things to happen even now? Today, sex is publicly displayed throughout the world via. The 1,800-year-old Roman arch was blown up by the extremist group last October, but a team of archeologists at Oxford Universitys Institute for Digital archeology (IDA) set about recreating it, in an act of resistance to Isiss rampant acts of cultural destruction in Iraq and Syria. We think that our watching these things is different than the idolatry of old, but this is not so. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Isaiah 5:20 21 . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Temple prostitutes were used so that men or women who sought help from Baal would perform lewd acts with the prostitutes as a form of worship. It was a place of the most heinous atrocities committed against innocent children, against all that is good and just, and against God Himself. What could be more appropriate than to have this symbol of freedom in front of City Hall, so close to where we had our own challenges, Glen added. So why not install it in a museum? In a recent statement, Roger Michael, the Executive Director of the IDA, drew parallels between the destruction of Palmyras landmarks and the violence that has marred London and New Yorks landscape. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. This is what Jeremiah 19:4-6 says "Because they have forsaken Me and have profaned this place by making offerings in it to other gods whom neither they, their fathers, nor the kings of Judah have known, and have filled this place with the blood of the innocent,and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or decree, nor did it come into My mindtherefore, surely the days are coming, says theLord, when this place shall no more be called Topheth or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter.". worshippers of Baal partook of bisexual orgies and sacrificed human infants, burning them alive. The Arch, The Womb and The Phallus. According to the report, Restoration work has already begun this week after a memorandum of understanding was reached between the Syrian Ministry of Culture and the Association Stone Industry of Russia. The following is an excerpt from an excellent articleby Matt Barber, Ritualistic Baal worship, in sum, looked a little like this: Adults would gather around the altar of Baal. Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. The All Seeing Eye of Horus During the 911 Memorial Service at Ground Zero, London Has 423 New Mosques and 500 Closed Christian Churches, Purim, Esther and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Feast of Tabernacles is god coming to dwell among men faith, at least this my! Of Daniel 7:5 rival of YHVH our heavenly Father in the Philistines and... Original arch in Syria destroyed in 2015 under it and touch it in positions of.... Million of our own children companies in UK, Dubai, and China recreate the reproduction using 3D.... Pro-Assad forces, who were also accused of looting Palmyras artefacts, eventually recaptured the ancient Temple Bel... 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