The first one is that Matthew says that the disciples cried out to Jesus Lord, save us. 2. ship they were about to be sunk by a storm. Note. They seem to have needed constant experiences for their faith. HIM. Now the King comes down among the people from the height from which He Home COMMENTARY What is the meaning of Matthew 8:23-27? When the storm came up, He was asleep, but they were in a panic. HIS DISCIPLES FOLLOWED HIM into the ship, and th And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. Christs disciples are apt to be disquieted with fears in a stormy day, to torment themselves with jealousies that things are bad with them, and dismal conclusions that they will be worse. Now the boat would not be a large one. (LogOut/ [So I could not help thinking of a tsunami.] The writer to the Hebrews quotes from that 8th psalm, and then says, Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him, but we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor . The story is placed here in chapter 8 no doubt to be a part of this demonstration of Jesus authority. Have there been occasions in my own life when I invoked the Lords help and he restored peace and calm to my troubled waters? sing. As we will see, the men in the boat didnt fully catch on to who Jesus was until after He rose from the dead. What does this mean for us? We do not follow a simple itinerant preacher from Galilee; we follow Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus has also addressed a couple of would-be disciples, with remarks that underscore the costs of following Jesus. there, a hand outstretched to save us from anxiety, darkness and despair. Should they not, in any case, wake Him out of His sleep? This is a prayer that will never go unanswered and which echoes through my heart, touching my deepest desires. Their response is amazement! Matthew 5:1, JESUS CALMS THE STORM MATTHEW 8:23-27; MARK 4:35-41; LUKE 8:22-25; The psalm closes by reminding the reader that God sat sovereignly at the great Flood (Gen. 6-8). 24 And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. These narratives make a large leap forward in the Christian living As a sense of danger and need is a choice argument when we deal with Christ for help; so is it an ordinary forerunner of deliverance and help.7. And today? The disciples found out bit by bit what kind of man this is'. One of the best known stories in the Gospels is that of Jesus calming the storm on the lake. [1.] Being weary, He falls asleep.4. The other accounts describe their fear more than Matthew, but you can hear it in their words to Jesus in Matthews account as well: Were going to drown. A number of these men were experienced fishermen, who had been on the lake in storms before. I stay with these words, pleading for Jesus' help. . On the part of the Saviour a gracious response. In Matthews gospel, the story comes near the beginning of Jesuss ministry: after calling some not all of the disciples, and then after the Sermon on the Mount, and then after some dramatic healings of a man with leprosy, of a centurions servant, and of Peters mother-in-law. Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. Were going to drown. Mark says that the disciples said, Teacher, dont you care if we drown? Luke says that they said, Master, Master, were going to drown. Now this apparent discrepancy as it is often called affords us a good opportunity to understand the synoptic gospels. And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, Save us, Lord; we are perishing! He said to them, Why are you afraid, you men of little faith? Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm. construed as sing.) Very wise was its direction. Q. What pity was in it! And so their question is What kind of man is this? It too is a rhetorical question, not designed to be answered, but to express the idea that there is no one like this. And when he was entered into a boat, his disciples followed him. 27 The men were amazed and asked, What kind of man is this? But remember, in reporting the event the gospel writers are not working from a dictated record; rather, they are all telling what happened and what was said in their own words._ftn22 And while the precise wording is different in each gospel, none of them are incorrect. wisdom 1. The disciples wonder at what kind of a man this was could ultimately be answered only by an understanding of the incarnation, God with us. GODHEAD, in his divine nature, rebuking the winds and sea. 2. gratitude They would look back on this and always remember His Why are you afraid? because they would not be so afraid again in His presence. Somewhere away from those navigating the vessel (note the word came in Matthew 8:25)somewhere, St. Mark says, as would be natural in such a storm (see above), in the hinder part of the vessel, with His head on a pillowHe was buried in sleep To us this is an affecting evidence of the true humanity of the Master, and of the serious effects of His many labours at times upon it. word, and healed all that were sick:_ The two narratives that follow are brought together in all three Mark, who relied on Peters report, recorded another. Kyrie soson, Lord, save, became a part of the liturgical language of the church. The gentle remonstrance.There is something very majestic in the tranquillity of our Lords awakening, and, if we follow Matthews order, in His addressing Himself first to the disciples weakness, and letting the storm rage on. to go to Decapolis by boat across the Sea of Galilee. Storms in the voyage-even when sailing according to the We never read of Christs sleeping but at this time; he was in watchings often, and continued all night in prayer to God: this was a sleep, not of security, like Jonahs in a storm, but of holy serenity, and dependence upon his Father: he slept to show that he was really and truly man, and subject to the sinless infirmities of our nature: his work made him weary and sleepy, and he had no guilt, no fear within, to disturb his repose. multitudes followed him. (1.) Christ and his disciples no sooner put forth to sea, Christ stilling the tempest.. As our evangelist is giving a collection of healing incidents, the introduction of Matthew 8:18-22, disciple interviews, and even of Matthew 8:23-27, a nature miracle, needs an explanation. It is a reminder that Jesus was truly human. Let the sinners in Zion be afraid, let heathen mariners tremble in a storm, but you shall not be so. Were going to drown!. Upon arrival he casts out two demons. So in the Old Testament God alone has the authority to command and control nature, especially the chaotic element of nature like this huge storm in Psalm 29. (2.) music situations they would get to know Jesus; by hearing him and watching him with Chapter s 8-9. When He had come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed 2. The Signs of the Kingdom - Matthew 8:1 - Matthew 9:1 8:25 So [the disciples] approached and woke Him up saying, Lord save us! 25 Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, Lord, save us! As they crossed, Matthew tells his readers that a great storm suddenly arose on the sea. earth; the counterpart of the legislation on Mount Sinai; C Matthew 8:23 2. calm and confidence in everything of life. But building faith is a process, and so we have to be patient and continue to develop it. When the sayings were particularly important teachings, or teachings that were repeated frequently, then they might put more of the exact phrasing in their gospel reports. Do Those Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell? HEALING OF PETER'S It is a comfort to those who go down to the sea in ships, and are often in perils there, to reflect that they have a Saviour to trust in, and pray to, who knows what it is to be at sea, and to be in storms there. CHARACTERS: Jesus, leper, centurion Matthew 8:2. It can do no harm, and, for the present, may blow as it listeth, while He gives the trembling disciples a lesson. It is also a sign of His calm conscience and pure heart. The year was dry, and as the water of the lake was down they were able to see parts of a boat buried in the mud along the shore south of Capernaum--in the mud for 2,000 years! It need not be like that. of CHRIST. Jesus questions the disciples fear, calls them little faiths same word as last week and then rebukes or warns the wind and the waves. JESUS STILLS A TEMPEST How came we ever to question His love? There is the chaos of the storm and the dead calm which follows after the intervention of Jesus. 4). The posture our Saviour was in when the tempest arose; he being weary on the land, was fallen, asleep in the ship: our blessed Redeemer hereby sheweth himself to be truly and really man; as he took upon him our human nature, so he subjected himself to our human infirmities. III. Behold the His dislike of their fears: Why are ye fearful? 25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. In between their request and their amazement is Jesus rebuke of their weak faith. Matthew 8:23-27. having preached his sermon, and discovered his doctrine, says Jerome, The use of the word rebuke is interesting and deserves some study. Matthew records in Matthew 13. They awoke him with their prayers; Lord, save us, we perish. They had been long acquainted with the sea, and never saw a storm so immediately turned into a perfect calm, in all their lives. And so his wording is meant to convey that the disciples did not have enough faith. Open Matthew 8:23-27. 23 As he boarded the boat, his students followed him. 24 And look! The sea became severely agitated so the boat dipped into the waves, but he was sleeping. 25 They came and roused him saying, Lord, save us! Matthew 8:23. He does not find fault with them for being fearful, but for being so fearful as to let their fear cover their faith, just as the waves were doing the boat. The authority that Jesus has is usually demonstrated by His mighty works, His miracles. MATTHEW 8:23-34 LESSON: ASTONISHING AUTHORITY February 10, 2019 HISTORY/ INTODUCTION: 8:14-17 THE HEALING OF PETERS MOTHER-IN-LAW Jesus came to Peters house and saw that his wifes mother (Peters mother-in-law) was lying down sick with fever. But Jesus was sleeping. _When he was come down from the mountain, great A rebuke, first, to the disciples themselves. Jesus gets into the boat to go to the other side of the sea and His disciples follow Him. And, behold, there came a leper_ I. This seems to be in response to the press of the crowd, and makes sense of the otherwise sudden reference to the boat in verse 23. Matthew mosaic, All Hallows, Allerton, by Rodhullandemu [CC BY-SA] via Wikimedia Commons. We are studying Matthew 8:23-27 for Sunday, June 13. 24 Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. St. Marks language (Mark 4:38) puts this very bluntly indeed. HIS DISCIPLES - Not merely 6. The disciples wake Him and ask Him to save them. A double rebuke given by our Saviour. Jesus power over all nature is referred to at the very beginning of the Book of Hebrews, for it begins by reminding us that Jesus is sustaining all things by His powerful (spoken) word (1:3). 23. _When the even was come, they brought unto him many that And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?(Matthew 6:25-27). (1.) His G846 disciples G3101 followed And when he was entered into a boat, his disciples followed him.' history. says that Jesus crossed the sea on the evening of the day the pa Matthew 8:23. There are three parts, based on the three things that were said. Matthew 8:23. But as is often the case in the gospels, words like this are retained in the Christian community with added meaning. Here was a man having dominion over the earth and the sea. Bible that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. _MIRACLE OF THE WIND AND WAVES MATTHEW 8:23-27:_ Jesus had power even Here we see the power of His word over nature. Surely they could have seen a sudden calm too if that had been the case. () of windthe waves beat into Ver 23. And it would have been powered by a sail. and tempests shew the attempts of the wicked spirits to overturn the Jesus rebuke of the disciples is contrasted with Jesus rebuke of the storm. REFERRING to Matthew 4:23, we find the work of Christ at the beginning One student asked another, What did he say? And the answer was, He said, dont write on the back. Well, if we were looking for a dictated or recorded transcript, that is not what I said. (1.) In prayer The Winds and the Waves Obey His Will (Matthew 8:23-27) Storms terrify many people. To them it would doubtless have a different look. Matthew 8:23-27 23-27 It is a comfort to those who go down to the sea in ships, and are often in perils there, to reflect that they have a Saviour to trust in and pray to, who knows what it is to I. When you pray you are not alone. 'Lord save us, we are perishing!' But it should encourage us to know that even the closest disciples of Jesus were not much different at times. And, lo, there was a great swell in the sea, so that the ship was covered with the billows: and he was asleep.25. What they are being saved to is more time to physically live on earth. Help, Lord, we perish (see R.V.). Others pretended to cure diseases, but he only undertook to command the winds. 24 And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. The issue of would be followers having been settled Jesus now prepares hermneutik (techn) interpretive (art) < hermneuts interpreter], Abraham Joshua Heschel The Sabbath We have already noted how the speeches give us the meaning of the flow of the story. Is Divorce And Remarriage After Abuse, Neglect, Financial, Or Emotional Issues Okay. And they went and woke him, saying, Save, Lord; we are perishing.. Does He care for us at all? He can carry Himself as one asleep, to the end He may be awakened by their prayers.6. Matthew showed Jesus authority by what he taught in Chapter s 5-7. Yet Ryries Notes Say Otherwise. you, a great upheaval arose on the sea, so that the boat was hidden by We do not know if the two men who approached Jesus got into the boat with Him or if they decided to stay. That strange blending of opposites is often repeated by us. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). (Matthew 8:23-27 KJV). of His righteousness; the sublimest code of morals ever proclaimed on The disciples said all these things and probably more as well. But that is certainly what I meant, put in other words that the fellow student would understand better (he was not in the habit of listening well). As a child, I had many nightmares about tornadoes. Quotations Each gospel writer includes some of the things that happened there in the boat. This bark is the Catholic Church. That psalm describes a thunderstorm growing in the Mediterranean Sea and sweeping inland over Lebanon, causing damage to the trees and shaking the hills with an earthquake. ship where they were to suffer. No sooner was the storm up, but their fears were up, and they were as much overset with their boisterous passions, as the vessel was with the tempestuous winds; and accordingly Christ rebukes the tempest within, and then the tempest without: first he calms their hearts, and then the seas. We can all become discouraged by our doubts and by our difficulty in believing in Jesus, in his message, in his power. Jonah slept through the storm because his conscience was stupefied; but Christ as a tired child laying its head on its mothers lap. (Parallels: Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25) Note, Christ is a Nonesuch; every thing in him is admirable: none so wise, so mighty, so amiable, as he. When Jesus calmed the storm, then, He was demonstrating that He has the power of heaven at His command. Jesus is the savior people need. This little passage is rather straightforward in its structure. the parables which St. Matthew gives in chapter 13 1. You see that particular mention is made of this one special case, and, In a storm, whether of the sea or of my own emotions, the urgent often pushes The trip across the lake, or sea as it is referred to in our text, is followed by casting out demons in the region of the Gerasenes / Gadarenes, in each of the synoptic gospels. Matthew begins "And seeing the multitude, he went into a mountain: and but dangers attend and difficulties do accompany them:. In Matthews gospel, it is also followed by Jesuss calling Levi, and subsequently identifying the twelve. So, in this version, we dont seem meant to assume that Levi/Matthew was in the boat when this happened. First, it should help us to build our faith, our confidence in Christ. 2. The storm was so great that the boat was being covered with the waves. As we will see, the men in the boat didnt fully catch on to who Jesus was until after He rose from the dead. at a later point. the science or art of interpretation, especially of the Scriptures. He sleeps, but He never oversleeps, and there are no too-lates with Him. A storm arose while the disciples were following their Master. The glory of the deliverance which Christ doth give to His people in their greatest strait is marvellous and far above all that they can apprehend ere it come. But what a rebuke! He does not quench the dimly burning wick, but tends it and feeds it with oilby His inward gifts and by His answers to prayertill it burns up clear and smokeless, a faith without fear. His disciples followed him; the twelve kept close to him, when others staid behind upon the terra firma, where there was sure footing. Q. But gradually as we learn more and more in the faith, as the disciples did over several years, we will become bolder and more confident in the Lord (look at the confidence of the disciples in Acts 2-4). Observe, (1.) That will be a primary focus of the study. 3. It had not been much about, if he had gone by land; but he chose to cross the lake, that he might have occasion to manifest himself the God of the sea as well as of the dry land, and to show that all power is his, both in heaven and in earth. Even the winds and the waves obey Him!. Observe here, 1. Our Lord, as He took on Him our nature, so also He subjected Himself to our natural and sinless infirmities. Jesus So it is always in His life, where, side by side with the signs of humiliation and participation in mans weakness, we ever have tokens of His Divinity breaking through the veil. It is a beautiful illustration of His ways of dealing with those that are His. Who is this man, the disciples asked each other. Jesus Calms a Storm 23 And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. It was the language of their fervency; they pray as men in earnest, that beg for their lives; it becomes us thus to strive and wrestle in prayer; therefore Christ slept, that he might draw out this importunity. are often in perils there, to reflect that they have a Saviour to 1. Matthew 8:23. he had given, I have always been frightened by tornadoes. CONTENTS: Jesus heals a leper, the centurion's servant and Peter's alone makes the disciples (some of them skilled boatm II. There is the terror of the disciples and the composure of Jesus who is asleep! This scene is often pictured and is a favourite for times of stress and of He slept not so much with a desire to be refreshed, as with a design to be awaked. 23. Matthew 8:23-27 New International Version Jesus Calms the Storm 23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. an opportunity presented itself of displaying miracles, thereb JESUS GOT INTO THE BOAT. On the part of the disciples there was an agitated appeal. Carest Thou not that we perish? Almost Have you no feeling at all for our need? Great indeed must have been the tempest within them to give such utterance to such thoughts. AND WHEN HE WAS ENTERED INTO A SHIP, HIS DISCIPLES FOLLOWED When His disciples came to Jesus fearful of the stormy sea, He asks them Why are you afraid? That idea was important in the Bible, for the seas were always the symbol of chaos. Q. A windstorm arose on the sea, so great that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. Contrasts. greeting is one of peace. What is it being saved from? And that is certainly true here, for without the speeches we have a storm, the disciples panic, Jesus calming the storm, and the disciples amazement. The freshwater sea is only about 13 miles long and 8 miles across. But 23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. prayer reading the Bible It is the same power that stills the noise of the sea, and the tumult of fear, Ps 65:7. The third is the disciples amazement and their words about Jesus. He does not chide them for disturbing him with their prayers, but for disturbing themselves with their fears. It is the basic cry to the Lord for help by a needy people. But as you are studying Matthews account, only the points that Matthew makes should be your basic Bible study, because you are studying the passage in the way he wrote it in his gospel. Where was our faith? This is the background we need as we turn to Matthew 8:23-27. In a way, their request for Him to save them already had answered who this one was. 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