What is the closest relative to a hamster? Douglas died 5 years after his initial donations in 1913, at the ripe age of 80 years old. Is ampicillin good for respiratory infection? methods of killing cancer have only a 3% overall cure rate? was also set up in 1904 by something called the General Education cases of cancer with treatments that lasted only three minutes. John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (July 8, 1839 - May 23, 1937) was an American business magnate and philanthropist. not a means to cure people from life-threatening illness. It is this very unsavory history Radium is but the weapon of the charlatan and the quack, voiced before the graduating class in medicine of Columbia University, in 1917. Editors note: I am a disabled Vet. Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. trustwas At that time, a cancer diagnosis meant near-certain death. The AMA had a field day with his 1987 book, entitledThe It was a donation with no strings to be used in cancer therapy. During the 1960s, '70s, '80s and '90s, Rockefeller scientists: discovered the dendritic cell, the sentinel of the immune system; showed that an adult brain of a higher species can form new nerve cells; identified a genetic defect associated with atherosclerosis, the leading cause of heart attacks in the U.S.; The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Seffrin earned total compensation of $856,442 as CEO of the American Cancer Society last year, in addition to $77,859 as president of the ACS Cancer Action Network, the nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate. Fundraising $95M. Despite Biotech Spending Millions, Oregon GMO Labeling Measure Heads for Recount. Did you realize that all conventional A $70,000.00 treatment in 1924 would cost over $929,451.00 in todays money. This is a personal blog of David Bonello, scientist, educator, and journalist (retired). It's for another blog post but here's a quote from John D. Rockefeller that sums up his vision of the New World Order for America. Later the term was dropped as doctors split open tumors and inserted the radium packs inside. The overall design creates the image of a flag being carried forth toward victory. Sender and Oliveros each dabbled in musique concrte, despite a paucity of resources.Oliveros took to recording sounds using cardboard tubes as . Sterling Drug, Inc., the largest holding company in the Rockefeller Drug Empire and its 68 subsidiaries, showed profits in 1961 of $23,463,719 after taxes, on net assets of $43,108,106 a 54% profit. Are Farmers Being Manipulated Into Buying GMO Soybean Seeds? These effects usually take years to develop. Additionally, we will list many of the companies that donate huge chunks of money to the ACS, companies that pollute the planet with chemicals known or suspected to cause cancer, and their bribes to the ACS that keeps the ACS from pointing out that their supporters cause the cancers the ACS is hoping to cure. University in St. Louis (more than $2 million), Columbia University It was then that he met Dr James Douglas who was looking to support cancer research. Reorganized after the war, the power positions on its board were taken by pharmaceutical executives, advertising New York Times, Apr. However, I have no clue why were even talking about pounds since it would be years before a pound would have been mined and refined. They are in bed with Big Pharma, and financed by the legacy of John D. Rockefeller who started the ACS in 1913. Historians point out that the offer came with a few conditions. John D. Rockefeller (July 8, 1839-May 23, 1937) was an astute businessman who became America's first billionaire in 1916. How do you describe the shape of a molecule? Radium packs (also called, cannons or bombs) were placed a distance from the cancer. They also produced a monthly bulletin called "Campaign Notes." John Rockefeller Jr. provided the initial funds for the organization, which was named the American Society for the Control of Cancer. Your responses to both are important and required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code). 1997-2021 Minnesota Wellness Publications, Inc. Biotech Makes more Questionable Claims, Fail: Brazilian GMO Maize Resistant to Pests Just 3 Years After Market Approval, Toxic Weedkiller Dicamba Drift Damages Crops Across America. What theyve become, well, that is the purpose of this series; part 2 should be along soon [after Ive cleaned the Augean stables and performed 11 other various tasks]. Rockefeller was a giant amongst men, he was a businessman, a philanthropist, and an educated individual. Empire and its 68 subsidiaries, showed profits in 1961 of In the US, the most reliable sources of health information tend to be government agencies, hospitals, universities, and major public health and health advocacy organizations, such as the American Cancer Society. Douglas began his adult life studying to be a Presbyterian minister, but was never ordained. Radium is a failure as a cure for cancer, according to Dr Deaver, a distinguished surgeon of Philadelphia, who took office as President of the American College of Surgeons there on Monday night. The reason: The prominent appearance of the word "extremism" in a positive light and the use of the word "moderation" in a negative light clearly affirmed the perception, popular among . According to Mullins, Dr James Douglas (a doctor of divinity) would self treat using radium until his death, which Mullins claims was radium related (aplastic anemia). And would you support a charity that pays its CEO over a million dollars a year (a man who gets another 6 digit check from his full time salary with another corporation)? Its global headquarters is located in the American Cancer Society Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Its something Ive always wanted to write, but Im old, retired, and will probably never get around to it. Despite the enormity of their task, our founders and their colleagues set about writing articles for popular magazines and professional journals; publishing Campaign Notes, a monthly bulletin of cancer information; and recruiting doctors throughout the country to help educate the public. Morris Bealle is a top notch investigative reporter; Mullins is a conspiracy theorist (I like this type of person because their research is usually very thorough and I dont have to go along with their conclusions), and as you can guess from his occupation, Dr Josephson was, like Dr Robert S. Mendelsohn, a medical heretic. 108years (May 23, 1913) He was high above the totem pole that was established for society. Initial funding of The National Anticancer Association (its temporary name up until June of 1913), was close at hand considering the names of those involved. oil miraclestoEssiac However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. You will find nearly everything in that paper, in our article Health Care for Dummies. And if the sources of your source come from the internet only, youre still lost, dazed, and confused because what can you really believe. He was quoted as follows, All this story about humanity and philanthropy is foolish. With this unique American source of radium and with Europe otherwise preoccupied, these two American surgeons pioneered megavoltage telecurie therapy, using the 1.2 MeV gamma rays of mass radium., 2000 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10902549]. That is why he created Western medicine. The first problem is discerning the agenda of the source. ncaa division 1 track and field results. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walks. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Just never got around to it, I guess. He had insisted, as a basic condition of his contributions, that the center routinely use radiation in all of its cancer treatments. The hospital was initially built on land donated by the Rockefellers. It all began when Dr Clement Cleveland, a distant relative of President Grover Cleveland, called a meeting to order in April of 1913. Dominik Bindl. legacy of theRockefellers shady business. 3.75 grams was half the total radium output for Douglas organization, the National Radium Institute over a three year period. Ida M. Tarbell's name would become synonymous with the term muckraker after publication of her 19-part expose of the business practices of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company that had destroyed her father's oil business, as well as many other small oil related companies in Pennsylvania's oil region in the 1870s. That is impossible. Concentration Camps | FEMA | Aliens Are Coming! "The poor man's light," as John D. called it, would bring a brilliant glow into American homes. The ACS was begun as a business model not a means to cure people from life-threatening illness. The DARK ACT is Back. One side feels he was altruistic, while the other side claims he gave so that he could reap still greater profits. Death is caused by a B-12 deficiency. According to his death certificate, Douglas died from pernicious anemia. Pernicious anemia is considered to be an autoimmune disorder in which the bodys immune system attacks the tissues that make intrinsic factor. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". We couldnt do what we do without our volunteers and donors. After co-opting the FTC and FDA as their enforcement arm, together theyve become the most powerful monopoly and lobby in the world, even to this day. Close-up of the death certificate. Chemotherapy and radiation not only have low cure rates, but they also kill healthy cells and often make cancer worse, when this is completely unnecessary because most cells can be reverted into healthy, non-damaging cells with the right treatment. But Dr Josephson was a bit of a conspiracy freak, and had an FBI file full of his un-American activities thats 79 pages long (with redactions). CPS/DCF Tyranny | Adrenal Burnout | The Women Warriors | Orgone Adventures |Dr. John Coleman | Railroading Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald | Henry Makow In 1946, philanthropist Mary Lasker and her colleagues met this challenge, helping to raise more than $4 million for the Society $1 million of which was used to establish and fund the Societys groundbreaking research program. He pointed to the Declaration of Independence (a very radical document) from the beginning of the revolution, and then to the Constitution (a very conservative document) written after the end of our revolution. An Unfortunate History The ACS was begun as a business model - not a means to 'cure' people from life-threatening illness. Though there had been a number of initial meetings, it was on May 22, 1913 that the core organization, the executive committee, had been formed and officers were elected. A thorough search of newspapers from that time resulted in articles that talk only about the charitable donations of Kelly and Douglas with not a single mention of them selling their interests for profit. the Waltons Key Takeaways. There were none when all I had were those three sources. Do I have to answer both the American Community Survey and the 2020 Census? kill healthy cells and often make cancer worse, when this is completely New York Times, Apr. pronounced the sentence of death. I should tell you that the article that I had intended to write (but didnt) would have been a very different article than what youre getting. .. These institutions also promote an Two things about the oil industry, however, bothered Rockefeller right from the start: the appalling waste and the fluctuating prices. The date he startedSeptember 26, 1855was when Rockefeller believed he got his official start in business. Over 70 percent of his patients survived five years, a respectable figure for the times. Charitable Commitment 80%. Copyright 2011 Educate-Yourself.org All Rights Reserved. One journal published a short bio after his death, but gave no cause (See Image Below). The homing process of HSPCs begins with the tethering and rolling of the cells on the endothelial layer, which is achieved by the interaction between selectins on the endothelium to the . That's not something the American Cancer Society (ACS) and Susan G. Komen for the Cure want you to know, though. Cancer Information, Answers, and Hope. treatments that cost little or nothing have been suppressed by the legacy of John D. Rockefeller who started the ACS in 1913. Lets face it, in todays society truth is dead. withtoday. He goes on to point out that the funds theyve gathered have not been used for the relief of cancer victims or for the payment of institutions for their care.. Taco Bell Latest to Admit to Horsemeat in Beef Products, Meet The President Who Donates 90% Of His Salary to Charity, Worlds Largest Bee, Thought to be Extinct, Spotted in Indonesia, Yikes: U.S. The same people who insisted that "masks" would prevent the emitting of viral material - even from people who weren't sick - also insist that high-voltage electric batteries powering high-output electric motors will prevent the emitting of carbon dioxide. Click on the image above to visit Google Books to read the piece in a clearer version. That drop equates to 2.9 million fewer cancer deaths between 1991 and 2017. 29 May, 2022 . There is no obituary in any archives concerning his death or reason thereof. Grandy, Minnesota 55029. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By May of 1915, the Supreme Court We know this was prior to 1913 because, in a paper presented by Dr. Bertrand Goldschmidt at the Fourteenth International Symposium held by the Uranium Institute in London, September 1989 entitled Uraniums Scientific History 1789 1939 [no longer found online] we learn that in 1913 radium sold for $160,000 per gram, which would make a pound of radium worth well over ten million dollars; a pound would cost $72,574,720.00. Rockefeller passed away on May 23, 1937, in Ormond Beach, Florida. By 1910 he had published some 50 papers from his work in his laboratory, concluding that the best hope for controlling cancer was to study the disease in man. Why kill the goose that lays the golden eggs? The ACS, in fact, receives more money He proposed that the New York Hospital establish a commission to study human cancer, but was turned down. He has been widely considered the wealthiest American of all time and the richest person in modern history. ordered to be dismantled, the Rockefellers were already above Fundraising Efficiency 86%. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. to know, though. Progress continues and iscurrently estimated at 500 fewer cancer deaths each day. 100% of your donation goes to charity. He was born on July 8, 1839, in Richford, New York, and died on May 23, 1937, in Ormond Beach, Florida. Classically, twined serpents represent healing of the sick and creativity of the healthy. Do you have to answer both the ACS and the census? His mining partner, Dr Howard A Kelly, though, was affiliated with Johns Hopkins and he supplied them from his split of the radium. . On September 29, 1916, Rockefeller became the first person ever to reach a nominal personal fortune of US$1 billion (equivalent to US$17 billion in 2020). Finally, there were the radium girls; those young ladies who painted the hands and numbers on watches so they would glow in the dark. How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma & Waged War on Natural Cures in contributionsevery few minutesthan the Independent Cancer Research By the turn of the 20th century, he controlled 90% of all oil refineries in the U.S. through his oil company, Standard Oil, which was later on broken up to become Chevron, Exxon, Mobil etc. James Casbolt | Phil Schneider | Al Bielek | Trevor Constable | Mind Control | Brice Taylor | Ted Gunderson | Metatech.org | Free Energy | Tim Hicks & Phil Ledoux But this rate of recurrence was actually no higher than that following radical surgery, and even today would be considered good results. It was mining that drew him away from medicine, and working with a Dr Thomas Sterry Hunt, patented the Hunt and Douglas process for extracting copper from copper ore. With no formal training in chemistry, he was chosen to fill the Chair of Chemistry at his hometown college from 1871 to 1874. Attending were women of wealth and a handful of renowned physicians. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. eric. Dr Deaver told of cases where radium had been used when good effects from it were most sorely needed but its benefit had been practically negligible; indeed in many cases it worked more harm than good. More than anything else, it was the Womens Field Army that moved the American Cancer Society to the forefront of voluntary health organizations. Dr Josephson tells us: The Society states in its publications that it cooperates with those paragons of altruism and virtue The American Medical Association, the American College of Surgeons, the American Public Health Association, and the national radiological societies. Id found an interesting article on the web to show our newsletter readers and wanted to link to a related article; this one, in fact. Because of all the noise made by the Curies (Radium was useful magnificently useful.), that theyd discovered a possible cancer cure (because it could eat flesh), radium therapy was introduced in Paris in 1898, and was soon after called telecurie therapy. Memorial Hospital in New York City began using x-rays in 1902 and using radium in 1903. What you wont find in Wikipedia is that he was the first president of the cancer hospital that would eventually become the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center [18841915, Past Presidents]. Mini Silver Terminator (MST) | Chembusters & Orgone Generators | Reverse Polarity Colloidal Silver Generator | Smart Phone Dangers | Contact Us/ E-mail The very, very rich can afford to pay that much for therapy. The Rockefellers were deeply involved in the medical monopoly, with John D Rockefeller Jr, providing much of the ASCC's [American Society for the Control of Cancer] initial funding. If you search the web for John Edwards Parsons (photo), youll learn he was a distinguished lawyer who began his career as the New York County Assistant District Attorney, was a founding member of the New York City Bar Association, and played a huge role in the prosecution of some of New Yorks most corrupt judges. Completely New York Times, Apr a few did rockefeller start the american cancer society at 500 fewer deaths!, advertising New York City began using x-rays in 1902 and using radium in 1903 each day x-rays in and... 13, U.S. Code ) by remembering your preferences and repeat visits years, a cancer meant... Problem is discerning the agenda of the sick and creativity of the sick and creativity of healthy... 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